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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Journey to N-Plate

I have been living with ITP (Immune or Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura) for so long now that I feel like it is a defining part of my personality. When I meet someone and I start telling them about myself, I feel like I need to tell them about my disorder.
I was first diagnosed when I became pregnant with my first child. After she was born I saw the hematologist a couple times and became scared when he started talking about a splenectomy. So, I didn't go back and see a doctor for about ten or so years. Sure I got bruises and sure I had scrapes and felt horrible at times, but was still too scared to go back to the hematologist.
I finally went back to see my hematologist because I became pregnant again. Right away my platelets tanked down to 14 and then came the prednisone.  I have never liked being on prednisone because it causes horrid weight gain, acne, moonface, and insane mood swings. There was also the non-stop appetite and cravings that would become out of control.
Now three years after my son was born, here I am still on medication management for my platelets. I am taking an experimental drug N-Plate. The side effects have been less than fun. I feel absolutely horrid the day of the shot and sometimes I get my period every two weeks. I am also taking medicine for RA because the N-Plate makes my bones and joints so achy that I was taking tons of pain medication and muscle relaxers. I am not saying that I want to be off of the N-Plate, it is the only thing that is keeping my counts at a stable level. I am not sure how long this medicine will work or how long the doctor will keep me on it, but hopefully it is before the more extreme and worse side effects appear.

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